Prenuptial Agreements: Who Needs It and How Do I Make One?

Prenuptial has always had a negative connotation. This single word can easily wither romance. However, people have come to accept that nothing is permanent in this world, most particularly marriages which many ended in divorce. Having a prenuptial agreement is the smartest financial planning that couples should adopt, according to financial and legal experts.

Experts agree that marriage is an emotional, financial and physical union. A sample prenup can help couples create a healthy financial well-being in their marriage. It is like having a business arrangement or an insurance policy that aims to eliminate the emotion that is naturally involved in a marriage.

Who Needs a Prenuptial Agreement:

A prenuptial agreement acts as a contract between two individuals who are planning to get married. In a nutshell, the contract contains details of how the assets of both parties will be distributed or handled in the event of death, separation or divorce. Prenuptial agreements were in existence thousands of years ago in one form or another, especially in Far Eastern and European cultures where members of the royal families made provisions to protect their wealth.

In today’s modern society, a prenuptial is not an exclusivity of rich or wealthy people. “Even individuals who were able to save only $30,000 can adopt a prenup agreement” says Kathleen whit BLSAPC. In his book “Premarital Agreements: When, Why and How to Write Them,” author Joseph P. Zwack notes that people who have saved a little are more keen to have a prenuptial agreement than those who have millions because they know that they have worked hard to earn that small amount.

You can check out a sample prenup before you get hitch if you own assets such as stocks, retirement funds or a home, own a business, received an inheritance, have children or grandchildren from your previous marriage, you are more wealthy than your partner, you are supporting your partner through college, will pursue or pursuing a license or degree in a lucrative profession, you need to take care of loved ones such as your parents or expecting a huge sum of money.

Why You Need a Prenup:

If you love a person, money seems to be the last thing to enter into your conversation, much more consider the issue before tying the knot. It has been proven time and again that couples who are in love looked at the world in colored glasses. However, you need to get your head straight and prepare for the possibility that love loses its novelty and money can bring both heartache and trouble in the long run.

A prenuptial agreement can reduce the emotional and financial impact of a divorce. If you have no prenuptial …

What To Do If Your Employer Refuses To Give You Worker Compensation

In many states, employers are required to have workers’ compensation insurance that covers employees who sustain injuries in their workplace. However, specifics of the process of workers’ compensation claims vary by state. Generally, injured employees must notify their workers’ compensation carriers and employers. Regardless of your state laws, you are entitled to get medical attention first. So, if you get injured while working, you are entitled to your lost wages and medical costs. Here are useful tips on the worker’s compensation claim process that can help you get started.

1. Notifying/Reporting the Injury or Illness to the Employer Immediately

According to the workers’ compensation laws, if you get injured on the job you are required to report to your employer immediately. Additionally, if the illness or injury is beyond first aid, your employer must give a report about it within 7 days. The First Report of Injury is issued to the insurance carrier who in turn reports in the injury or illness to the local Labor Commission electronically. You are then given your copy of the report. This immediate notification will allow you to promptly start receiving the necessary medical care so that you can return to your work as soon as possible.

2. Independent Medical Examinations (IME)

After you’ve successfully reported a work-related illness or injury, the insurer has the right to refer the injured worker to a doctor of its choice, according to Kenton Kozszdin from Kentons Law Office. Usually, this exam is commonly known as IME, but it’s dependent. The workers’ compensation insurer carefully chooses a doctor that it can trust to deliver a detailed medical report. During this exam, you will be required to explain about your physical history and how you got injured. The doctor may also ask you some other question before examining you. The insurer may terminate your benefits if you don’t comply accordingly with the doctor’s requests.

3. Compensable Claim

If the doctor determines that you will lose work time and your claim is compensable, the workers’ compensation insurer is required to contact you and your employer to determine the weekly pay rate that you will receive for the days that you will be off work. The insurance carrier should pay all medical bills and you will not pay anything for the medical treatment received.

4. Denial of the Claim

If the workers’ compensation insurer denies that your claim is compensable, the insurer will send a denial letter to you and the Labor Commission of the state.

5. Hearing Application

If your claim is rejected, you can apply for a claim hearing at your local Labor Commission so that an administrative law judge can determine whether your claim is compensable or not. …

How Much You Actually Save When You Write Something Off on Your Taxes

With regard to tax deduction strategies, we typically look for The Magic Pill. It is really tempting to wonder if there’s a secret list of unused tax deductions which the government is actually hiding from an average business owner.

Sorry to disappoint, but there is no any list. The tax code is available to anybody who can read. If our tax rules are as well-known is another matter. However. for the most part, it is really possible for somebody with a high school education to obtain a basic grasp of what these deductions are really there for the writing off.

What many people are asking as they inquire regarding “overlooked” tax deductions is: “What deductions haven’t I heard about?” People are becoming busy. And business owners are attempting to run a business that is normally a more than an occupation that’s full-time. Who has the time to wade through hundreds of pages of tax jargon in order to learn what you don’t have time to learn?

Having this in mind, listed here are just two tax deductions mentioned by Jim Whinehurst from My Lawsuit Loans which you might have missed in the past years, not that you can’t read or just understand what you really read, however because you have been busy living your life and operating your business.

1. Form a corporation.

For those that are partnerships, you should definitely provide this important consideration. This is really what tax professionals call “Choice of Entity”. There are chances that you’re never made any choice of entity. You only started your business and also if you’re performing it by yourself, you’re really a sole proprietor and also if you’re carrying it out with a partner, you are a partnership. Any of these entities can be the ideal one for your specific case, but there is a great chance that you’re overpaying the taxes by just adhering to this default entity.

2. You should deduct all your expenses for medication.

There are a many ways to do this, even though your business is a partnership or sole proprietorship. Do yourself a favor to check out the Health Savings Account, the Medical Reimbursement Plan, and the deduction of health insurance premium. Many small business owners are clueless regarding these amazing tax strategies. Only one of them can save you a bundle. Using two or all three of them can put hundreds and even thousands in your pocket.

There are many potential tax deductions. However because not all deductions are made equal, these two aspects can give a significant return on your invested time to check them out.…